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Apple’s MR headset will reportedly feature optimized versions of Safari, FaceTime, Maps and more

Apple’s Mixed Reality (MR) headset has been in the making for a while now, but it seems that the company is almost ready to reveal the headset to the world in the near future. The company is readying an “arsenal” of applications for the MR headset in an attempt to capture a major market share […]

Apple’s Mixed Reality (MR) headset has been in the making for a while now, but it seems that the company is almost ready to reveal the headset to the world in the near future.

The company is readying an “arsenal” of applications for the MR headset in an attempt to capture a major market share of the AR/VR headset market, as reported by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman.

According to the report, Apple is developing a trove of apps for the headset, including apps for fitness and gaming, alongside collaboration tools. Additionally, Apple is also looking to create new versions of Apple’s existing iPad features for the headset and services for watching sports on the MR headset.

The report suggests that the headset will cost roughly $3,000 USD (about $4,000 CAD), and will debut in June, likely at WWDC 2023.

Considering that the headset would be Apple’s first venture in the AR/VR space, Gurman speculates it will be difficult for Apple to convince its customer base to buy it, and because of this, Apple is racing to develop familiar applications and software for the headset that Apple customers can relate to.

“A big part of the effort is adapting iPad apps for the new headset, which blends virtual and augmented reality,” wrote Gurman. “Users will be able to access millions of existing apps from third-party developers via the new 3D interface, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans are still under wraps.”

The MR headset would have optimized versions of Safari, Calendars, Contacts, Files, Home Control, Mail, Maps, Messaging, Notes, Photos, Reminders, Music, News, Stock and the Weather app. The report suggests users would also be able to stream Apple TV directly on the MR headset, in addition to being able to FaceTime others.

Users would also be able to read books while wearing the MR headset through a version of the company’s Books app, while those who want to meditate will be able to view and hear a series of calming graphics, sounds and voice-overs while wearing the headset.

Additionally, it’s not surprising that the company is looking to incorporate Fitness+ features to the headset. According to Gurman, users will also be able watch an instructor in VR while working out/exercising.

The report suggests that the MR headset can run multiple applications simultaneously, and an Apple Watch-like crown on the side would allow users to switch between AR and VR environments.

Lastly, the MR headset’s home screen UI will look similar to how it is on an iPad, with similar ways to control Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other control centre tools. The headset will also have a biometric system to unlock it, likely by scanning the user’s eyes.

Check out Gurman’s in-depth report about the upcoming headset and how Apple aims to make it an appealing choice for consumers here.

Source: Bloomberg