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Cara Delevingne: competitive days are gone

International star Cara Delevingne reveals that models are supportive of each now but keeping in touch with her old pals is harder since her move into films.

Cara Delevingne says modelling is less ”competitive” nowadays.

The 22-year-old star revealed that the days of battling it out with your fellow models to get the next job are gone and it’s the ”best thing in the world” if her pals – including friends Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner – get the gig.

She revealed: ”I feel like people in modelling used to be competitive but, for me, if I didn’t get a job and someone else did, it was like, of course there are so many prettier, taller, skinnier, whatever girls out there. It’s not something you hassle over. And if your friend gets the job it’s the best thing in the world because you’re like, ‘Yes! Someone I love got it.”’

She added: ”I think it’s just young girls doing what they do and sticking together. It’s so nice when you do the same job but you support each other and you’re there for each other.”

Cara – who has moved into acting with blockbusters ‘Paper Towns’ and ‘Pan’ already under her belt – said it’s harder to keep in to touch with her fashionista pals but she will always support them.

She told OK! magazine: ”I think it was easier to keep up with my friends when I was modelling more because you do fashion week and that’s where you see each other. So now I don’t really get to see my model friends as much.

I’ve made some really great friends in the business and it’s so important to have friends when you do the jobs we do, just to like, slap each other round the face when we need to and knock each other down a couple of pegs.”