
The Duchess of Cornwall meets the Calendar Girls

The Duchess of Cornwall met the famous Calendar Girls of the Women’s Institute – who inspired the hit film of the same name – at a garden party in Buckingham Palace to celebrate the organisation’s centenary.

Britain’s Duchess of Cornwall met the Women’s Institute’s famous Calendar Girls at Buckingham Palace.

The 67-year-old royal – who is the wife of the heir apparent Prince Charles – greeted the ladies at the celebration held in the palace’s 39-acre garden to mark the WI’s centenary yesterday (02.06.15).

The six Calendar Girls famously posed nude to raise money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research after member Angela Knowles lost her husband John Baker to the disease.

Their actions inspired the hit film of the same name starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters.

According to the Daily Express newspaper, Angela said: ”It’s just brilliant to be here with these ladies, all these fantastic WI ladies.

”When we first did the calendar it was a big thing for me to do, John had just died and we were doing it in his memory and we’ve raised millions for (the charity) Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.

”We never thought we would sell so many copies of the calendar. We don’t mind people having copied us, but we were the first.”

Angela, 69, who has since remarried her late husband’s friend Charles Knowles, also enjoyed a joke with the Duchess about their spouses’ matching monikers.

She asked the royal: ”Do you remember you married just before me? You married a Charles and I married a Charles.”