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Salma Hayek ‘always loved make-up’

Salma Hayek ”always loved make-up,” and was inspired to launch her own cosmetics line because she was unsatisfied with other products on the market.

Salma Hayek ”always loved make-up”.

The ‘Grown Ups’ actress revealed she’s had a passion for making herself and others look pretty since she was a youngster, and believes she’s talented at it because of her artistic flair.

She said: ”I always loved makeup. I guess I really liked to paint. I didn’t discover that until later, but I was doing makeup when I was 14. I use to make people up, like older friends, or cousins, and I remember they use to come to my house for special occasions, and when I started out, I used to do the make-up of the girls in my acting class that were doing their head shots. I love it. I love make-up.”

The 48-year-old star continued to say her grandmother has always been an influence on her idea of beauty, and inspired her to create her cosmetic range, Nuance.

She told ”I think that my beauty routine, and how I see beauty is from what I’ve learned from my grandmother. It made me realize that there are things that were not out there because [most brands] go by trends. There are things that are really good that are pushed to the side just because they’re trying too hard to sell you the new thing to always create some kind of event. But this is a personal line based on what women need. Like, now my hair, I have to dye it and you need masks. Now we have the masks because I needed them. I started to dye my hair, and I said, ‘Wait a minute. We’re missing some products in the line.’ And so we made them.”