
Ashton Kutcher revamps mother’s house

Ashton Kutcher’s mother Diane ”has been the greatest influence” in his life so he surprised her by renovating her home in Iowa.

Ashton Kutcher’s mother ”has been the greatest influence” in his life.

The 37-year-old actor, who has seven-month-old daughter Wyatt with fiancée Mila Kunis, recently pulled off a ”lifelong dream” and surprised Diane Kutcher by renovating her home in Homestead, Iowa to thank her for being a great parent.

In a video documenting the remodel on online design site, the ‘Two and a Half Men’ star says: ”It’s my way of saying thank you to my mom. My mom has been the greatest influence in my life – my parents gave me everything. They went to great sacrifices to give me the life that I have and anything I can do to say thank you is the right thing.”

Ashton decided the property needed a revamp ”for the next generation” of their family.

He explained: ”I just had a daughter, my sister just had a new son, so I want to grow this space up and make it fit for the next generation.

”Being able to do this for my mom, it’s like a lifelong dream. You know you grow up and you have a good parent, and I don’t know that there’s anything I could ever do that really says thank you, but trying sure feels good.”

The actor helped his stepfather Mark build the house ”from scratch” when he was 13 and also feels lucky to have a close bond with him.

He said: ”The one thing that has eternally bonded my stepdad and I is that my stepdad loves my mom as much as I do. When you’re the oldest son, and your parents have gone through a divorce. You’re always mistrustful of any other guy, but Mark stepped in and a lot of ways was there for me in ways my dad couldn’t be there for me. I’m one of those people in this world who’s lucky enough to have two dads. I’m just a blessed person to have that much love in my life.”