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Julianne Moore can’t eat when she’s nervous

Julianne Moore puts her slender physique down to a healthy diet and not being able to eat when she feels nervous ahead of her red carpet appearances.

Julianne Moore doesn’t eat when she gets nervous.

The 54-year-old star – who picked up the Best Actress Oscar for her role in ‘Still Alice’ at this year’s Academy Awards – puts her slender figure down to her healthy diet and losing her appetite before red carpet appearances.

She explained: ”We’d all be lying if we said we aren’t watching what we eat. Of course we are! I think we’re also really stressed. I’m not a stress eater. I get nervous and I don’t eat. But, you know, I had a dress on the other day, and I said to my manager, ‘When you see my back fat sticking out, tuck it back in! Be a friend!”’

The flame-haired beauty – who has Caleb, 17 and Liv, 12, with her husband, director Bart Freundlich – hopes her look has improved as her kids have got older and she’s been able to swap her casual clothing for more stylish attire.

She said: ”My style has gotten better, hopefully. It’s like everything: practice makes perfect. There was one year when my kids were little, and every time I was photographed, I was wearing a pair of cargo shorts, a T-shirt and a bandanna. It was so bad, my publicist was like, ‘Get it together!”’

The ‘Maps To The Stars’ actress also admitted she refused to show off her manicure at the Screen Actors Guild Awards earlier this year when she was asked to display her perfectly painted nails on E! News’ mani-cam, insisting she was too old to do so.

She told the April Issue of Harper’s Bazaar magazine: ”I’m 54 years old. I can’t make my fingers walk; it’s humiliating!

”And a guy asked me to lift up my skirt to show them my shoes, and I said, ‘I don’t need to do that. Let’s keep some dignity.”’