
Madonna wants to have a drink with Marine Le Pen

Madonna wants to meet with French politician Marine Le Pen – the president of the Front National Party – to have a drink and discuss her right wing views.

Madonna wants to meet French politician Marine Le Pen for ”a drink” and discuss her right wing political views.

The 56-year-old singer has been a critic of Marine – who is the president of the National Front party – over the last few years, infamously superimposing a Nazi swastika over her face at a Paris concert and describing her party as ”fascist” last week.

Now Madonna has extended an invitation to Marine, 46, to meet up so she can explain her policies and views in more detail.

In an interview on French television network Canal+, the ‘Living for Love’ hitmaker said: ”I think I would like to sit down once and for all with Marine Le Pen and have a drink with her. I wonder where all her ideas come from. For example, a lot of people usually have a preconceived notion of who I am and the things I care about and what I think … and very often, after a drink with me, go with a totally different perspective.

”All I want is peace in the world, so my first thought when I think of Marine Le Pen is that I’d like to meet face-to-face, talk to her, and I’d like to hear from her mouth, for myself, what she believes in relation to human rights, not only in France but throughout the world. It’s very important to me.”

Initially, Marine told RTL should would be open to meeting with Madonna, but she is yet to accept the musician’s offer.

The National Front’s policies include anti-immigration into France, a zero tolerance to crime, non-European immigration and the re-nationalization of public services.