
Man arrested for Tesco iPad porn

A man has been ordered to do 100 hours of community service after putting porn on an in-store Tesco iPad.

A man has been ordered to do community service after putting porn on an in-store Tesco iPad.

The shopper, 40-year-old Ceri Morgan, set the inappropriate image as the background on a display device in a branch of the supermarket in Swansea, south Wales, but was questioned by security staff after he was unable to delete the explicit picture.

The father-of-one was arrested last October after the store’s staff said his prank ”was not a laugh,” with the car mechanic since appearing at Swansea Magistrates Court over the incident.

Defending the man, lawyer Alex Scott said: ”He did not intend to cause any alarm or distress.

”It was intended as a joke, it was not sexually motivated, it was an isolated and foolish decision.”

He has now been sentenced to a 12-month community order involving 100 hours of unpaid work as well as £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.