
Michelle Rodriguez wants to find a surrogate mother

Michelle Rodriguez plans to use a surrogate mother to have a baby for her in the future, but is too ambitious to start a family soon.

Michelle Rodriguez plans to use a surrogate mother to have a baby.

The 36-year-old actress, who split from Cara Delevingne, 22, last May after four months of dating, is eager to start a family in the future, but admits she has no desire to ever be pregnant.

She said: ”I just want that unconditional love, the kind you get with a family member. You might get lucky enough to find that unconditional love in a friend or a lover, but it’s very rare. So if I ever have a kid, it’d be so that I could look in those eyes and know that this child is a piece of me and will love me the same way I love, but I think that’s selfish of me.”

But speaking to Milla Jovovich, who is expecting her second child, for Interview magazine, she added: ”I cherish what you do–having kids–but don’t leave that s**t to me. I’ll get a surrogate.”

The brunette beauty – who previously revealed she is bisexual – is also convinced she will be a single mother because she is scared of being in a relationship.

She said: ”It’s scary for me. I’m a lone wolf. I run by myself on most things. I’ve got lots of really great friends, but the thought of being in a long-lasting relationship? Psh, I couldn’t last more than six months with somebody, let alone have a father figure around for a kid. I mean, if I could give a kid a father figure, that would be amazing.”

But the ‘Fast and the Furious’ star insists she is too ambitious to become a parent soon.

She said: ”I wouldn’t want to sacrifice the last years that I have of being youthful in this business to have kids.

”It’s been 15 years since I was the lead in my own feature, in ‘Girlfight’. So I haven’t done what I came here to do. I’ve been part of really big things that are amazing, but I haven’t taken on that responsibility yet. So I don’t want to sell myself short by having a kid and then regret not doing what I set out to do.”