
Company brewing whale testicle-flavoured beer

The Icelandic brewery Stedji has been producing whale testicle-flavoured beer in preparation for the upcoming winter festival Thorri.

A brewery has created a whale testicle-flavoured beer.

The company Stedji in Iceland cure the testicles of fin whales ”according to an old, Icelandic tradition” before being salted and smoked with dried sheep dung to create the stomach-churning beverage.

The beer, which is named Hvalur 2, is being produced for the nation’s upcoming winter festival Thorri, which takes place from mid-January until mid-February.

Co-owner Dagbjartur Ariliusson said: ”We want to create a true Throrri atmosphere, and therefore we decided to use smoked testicles from fin whales for flavouring the beer.

”We put a lot of effort into this and it’s a long process.”