
Sean Penn doesn’t miss his guns

Sean Penn doesn’t miss his gun collection after girlfriend Charlize Theron convinced him to turn his weapons into a unique sculpture last year.

Sean Penn doesn’t miss his gun collection.

The Oscar winner insists he has no regrets about allowing artist Jeff Koons to mould his 65 firearms into a sculpture, which he auctioned off to raise funds for Haiti last year after his girlfriend Charlize Theron convinced him to get rid of his weapons.

He said: ”I think guns are not something to be missed. Especially, on a serious note, when we talk about it this week [and] this tragic thing that happened in Paris. I’d like to see more guns go to sculpture.”

Asked if he might start campaigning for stricter gun laws in the US in the future, he told E! News: ”I’d like to see it happen. I don’t know that we’ve come to a time where we can be a gun-less society, but we’re certainly not working the way we’re flying with them.”

The 54-year-old actor previously revealed ‘Prometheus’ actress Charlize – whose mother shot and killed her father after he drunkenly fired his own gun into the South African beauty’s bedroom when she was 15 – inspired him to get rid of his guns.

Speaking at his Help Haiti Home Gala in Beverly Hills last year, he said: ”Being provoked by this aforementioned strong woman and considering how liberating of bulls**t and ugliness it would be not only get rid of the guns I have in the continental United States but also to destroy them, [artist] Jeff Koons and I had a chat the other day. The highest bidder gets every single one of my guns put in the hands of this iconic artist and sculptor… Koons will decommission [and] render inactive all of my cowardly killing machines.”

The unique sculpture was purchased for $1.4 million by CNN newscaster Anderson Cooper.