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Adriana Lima looks her best ‘sweaty’

Adriana Lima has confessed she looks her best when she is sweating as it gives her a natural glow.

Adriana Lima thinks she looks her best when she is sweaty.

The Victoria’s Secret beauty claims working out gives her a natural glow and is a good way to detox to keep her looking fresh.

She said: ”Working out is a beauty ritual for me. I find sweating to be the best natural detox and it gives my face a nice glow.

”I also like to get a bit of a tan if I’m getting my body out – I use a rich body scrub to buff it back to brightness – and I swear by oxygen facials to plump my skin.”

Working out is important to the 33-year-old model and she always makes sure she finds time for exercise wherever she goes.

She said: ”I try to exercise as much as I can – boxing is my favourite – but it depends what my schedule is like.

”If I’m travelling, I either bring my skipping rope with me and try to jump for 10 minutes, or if there’s no room, I go for a run outside.”

And Adriana tries to eat as healthily as possible when she is working.

She told Look magazine: ”I eat as healthily as possible, with lots of vegetables, grilled fish and stuff like that.

”I love teas, juices and smoothies as well. I usually mix mango and mint or kale, cucumber and apple.”