
Phil Collins plants trees for Prince Charles

Phil Collins plants a tree every year to mark his friend Prince Charles’ birthday.

Phil Collins has a tree planted on Prince Charles’ birthday every year.

The former Genesis star is close friends with the British prince and because of the 65-year-old royal’s passion for the environment, the ‘In the Air Tonight’ ensures he marks his pal’s special day in a thoughtful way.

He said: ”I get on very well with Prince Charles.

”I get on very well with him, because I like him. We all know he’s very green and has this orchard at Highgrove [Charles’ country home], so every time it’s his birthday or something, I always get The Prince’s Trust to plant a tree. So maybe I did that kind of thing. I was flattered to be invited.”

Phil was among the guests at Charles’ wedding to Duchess Camilla in 2005 but he can’t remember what he bought the couple as a gift.

He told Q magazine: ”I can’t remember now what I did for a present.”

Environment-loving Charles recently ordered a mass cull of grey squirrels on his estates to protect trees, endangered birds and other wildlife.

His spokesperson said: ”The red squirrel is a most cherished and iconic national species, and, as Patron of the Red Squirrel Survival Trust, The Prince of Wales keenly supports all efforts to conserve and promote their diminishing numbers.

”Where appropriate, this includes the humane and lawful control of grey squirrels as well as other measures to enhance the natural habitat of reds across the Duchy of Cornwall estate, in accordance with established estate management practices.”