
Stricken family stopped by protection officers

A family were ordered out of their car at gunpoint by officers protecting Britain’s Duchess Catherine after they broke down near her parents’ home.

A family were ordered out of their car by officers protecting Britain’s Duchess Catherine after they broke down near her parents’ home.

Adam De Marco, his partner Claire Lennon and their daughter Mia, seven, were on their way to Bucklebury Farm Park when their car sprung a puncture and they quickly drew the attention of royal protection officers after they stopped in Bucklebury, Berkshire, South England, where the pregnant duchess is currently staying with parents Mike and Carole Middleton, along with her husband Prince William and their 15-month-old son Prince George.

However, after explaining their predicament, the police put away their guns and offered to help the family.

Mr. De Marco told the Daily Mail newspaper: ”We got the flat tyre as we drove Mia to the farm park, where children can play on the swings and look at the animals.

”I went to put on the spare, but then realized I was missing the special screw-nut you need with a BMW to remove the wheel – it’s meant to stop thieves. I was in a quandary, wondering what to do…then all of a sudden we found ourselves surrounded by policemen who were carrying guns.

”I didn’t twig at first that they were connected with the royal family, but one of them mentioned Prince William and the Middletons’ house nearby and we put two and two together.

”Once they realized we were not terrorists, they relaxed and offered to help. They even drove off to visit a couple of garages in the area to see if anyone had a spare screw-nut so we could change the flat tyre.”

Unfortunately, they were unable to get the essential screw-nut so had to wait for the RAC to change the wheel, meaning it got too late to visit the park.

However, the family returned the next day, and came face-to-face with Catherine – who was known as Kate Middleton before her marriage – her mother and baby George.

Mr. De Marco added: ”While we were there, we saw Kate, her mum and Prince George at the farm shop, where you can buy fresh meat and other food.

”When they got into their Range Rover to drive off, we took some photos.”