
The Edge’s cheese sandwich diet

U2 rocker The Edge has revealed his mother made him cheese sandwiches for his lunch every day for 14 years when he was at school.

U2 guitarist The Edge ate cheese sandwiches every day for his lunch for 14 years.

The 53-year-old musician admits his mother Gwenda was not a great cook and her packed lunches were particularly hit and miss so he asked her to make the one lunch that was consistently edible while he was at school..

In an interview with Christian O’Connell on his Absolute Radio Breakfast Show, he said: ”My mum was a fantastic lady but the cooking was a bit sporadic and when it came to school lunches that’s where her imagination seemed to kind of run out. So I think the first or second week of school I must have said something to the effect of, ‘Mmm, I like the cheese sandwiches mum.’ So henceforth every day for 14 years I had cheese sandwiches.

”I used to think, ‘I must mention to mum that I’d rather like a bit of variety,’ and then I’d forget.”

The Edge’s bandmate Bono – who he has been friends with since their childhood growing up in County Dublin – added the pair found ways to make the basic sandwich more exciting.

He quipped: ”Yes we had a little heater, which we used to put The Edge’s cheese sandwiches on and make them toasted cheese sandwiches so they would feel a little different.”

During the interview the two stars addressed the criticism they received for making their new album ‘Songs of Innocence’ available as a free download to iTunes users, with Bono standing by his belief it was and still is a good idea.

He said: ”Look, 25 million people have downloaded this album now and 85 million of them have checked us out. So, job done.”