
Liv Tyler doesn’t want to know baby’s sex

Liv Tyler doesn’t want to find out the sex of her and boyfriend Dave Gardner’s baby until the little one is born.

Liv Tyler wants to keep the sex of her unborn baby a surprise.

The ‘Leftovers’ actress, who already has son Milo, nine, with ex-husband Royston Langdon, is reportedly expecting her first child with British boyfriend Dave Gardner, but has no plans to find out their baby’s gender.

A source told Life & Style magazine ”She cannot wait to meet him or her. I don’t think she’s finding out the sex before the baby comes.”

The couple, who met through their mutual friend Kate Moss earlier this year, are said to be ”over the moon” to be having a child together.

The insider said: ”She couldn’t be happier, and her entire family is thrilled.

”Liv is so excited that she’s pregnant. She didn’t want her son to be an only child. She is over the moon.”

Liv recently admitted she was ”100 per cent planning” on having more children.

The ‘Lord of the Rings’ star said: ”I hope I will have more children. I’m 100 per cent planning on it.

”If the stork could just drop it off on my roof, I’d be so happy – I’d have, like, 20.”

But she confessed she is less certain about marrying for the second time.

She said: ”That’s something interesting that happens in your thirties. You’re not in the stage anymore of princes and happily ever after.

”It’s a different stage of acceptance and realization about the realities of love and relationships. Forever is a long time.”

Soccer agent Dave – who is best friends with David Beckham – has a seven-year-old son called Grey, with his ex-wife Davinia Taylor.