
Al Pacino’s life shapes career

Al Pacino’s life with younger children ”dictates” his movie choices at present.

Al Pacino’s life ”dictates” his movie choices.

The 74-year-old actor – who has 25-year-old daughter Julie and twins Anton and Olivia, 13, from previous relationships – ”goes with the flow” rather than having any specific career path in mind and accepts roles that fit in with his personal circumstances.

He said: ”I go with the flow. It’s what I can do, what my life is at this point, having young children too, I have older children. Whatever my life allows me to do, I will do.

”And sometimes I go a long time without working, though I’ve been doing HBO stuff, Spector, Kevorkian.

”I feel sometimes like I do what my life dictates. That’s kinda what I’ve been doing. And hopefully, you go with the flow. If something is there and you feel it — I can’t say some of these projects that are out there — but I want to do films that develop.”

The ‘Humbling’ actor recently took his youngest children to see blockbuster movie ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and was very impressed by the film.

He told New York magazine: ”I thought the ‘Galaxy’ thing was a very interesting movie. In its genre, it was done very well. I saw it with my little kids, and they liked it and I liked it. I thought it was inventive and funny and dark at times.

”I thought, ‘Gee, it’s a big movie’ and you saw it in a big screen with sound, and it was, I thought, well produced, well directed acted. I was happy sitting there.”