
Fergie’s son has started walking

Fergie’s 11-month-old son Axl took his first steps last week but her husband Josh Duhamel missed the milestone.

Fergie’s baby son has started walking.

The 39-year-old singer was left stunned when 11-month-old Axl took his first steps last week after crawling up and down the stairs.

Speaking to Us Weekly, she said: ”He just had his first steps [on] August 12th. I was shocked! He climbed up the stairs and he climbed back down.

”I was helping him back down and he got up the stairs and he [stretched out his arms] and came to me! It was exhilarating! I just thought, ‘Did my son just walk?’ ”

However, Fergie’s husband Josh Duhamel missed the milestone because he was busy at work at the time.

She explained: ”He was at work. I felt so bad! But you know, we’re both working parents so each of us are going to get different gifts.”

Meanwhile, the couple, who got married in 2009, love being around their son but they make sure they put some time aside to spend alone with one another.

Fergie said: ”We’ll have a date night and we’ll say goodbye to Axl and we’ll go on a date [and] we don’t decide where we’re going out to dinner. We’ll just kind of drive around, maybe we’ll go have a drink at some new place, we’ll just drive around and see whatever piques our curiosity. Sometimes we’ll go to a dive bar, we’ll play darts … whatever is of the moment!”