
Britain’s Prince William: George will soon run faster than me

Prince William has joked that his 12-month-old son will soon be able to run faster than him after joining in with schoolchildrens’ sports day in Coventry.

Britain’s Prince William has joked that his son will soon be able to run faster than him.

The 32-year-old royal joined in with a school’s sports day while visiting Coventry in the West Midlands of England yesterday (07.16.14) and joked that although his and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge’s 12-month-old son has only just learned how to walk, he could soon be a speedier runner than him.

After taking part in a 30-meter dash, he told head teacher Gill Naylor: ”I think George will be running faster than me very soon.”

The Duke of Cambridge – who was visiting the city to launch a World War One parks scheme on behalf of the charity Fields in Trust – also engaged in banter with the race-winner claiming his snazzy trainers had given him an advantage.

People magazine reported him as saying: ”Love the shoes, seriously fast!”

He also posed for photographs with schoolchildren and attempted to ensure they all plastered their cheesiest grins on their faces by teasing, ‘Look excited, be happy!”

Naylor said of the future king: ”He was lovely with the children, really friendly and charming.”