
King Juan Carlos abdicates

Spain’s King Juan Carlos appeared tearful as he ended his reign last night (06.18.14), signing forms to abdicate and had the throne to his son Prince Felipe.

Spain’s King Juan Carlos appeared tearful as he ended his reign last night (06.18.14).

The 76-year-old monarch signed an act of parliament ending his reign at a ceremony in Madrid’s Royal Palace at midnight, before embracing his son Prince Felipe, who will be sworn in as king later today (06.19.14).

As the royal party had arrived at the palace, cannons fired a salute and shouts of ”Long live the King!” could be heard.

Once he signed his abdication, Juan Carlos was applauded by his son, his wife Queen Sofia, and daughter-in-law Princess Letizia.

Meanwhile, preparations are underway for the swearing-in ceremony today, with Madrid bedecked with flags and flowers adorning the streets, while a red canopy with the state coat of arms embroidered in gold has been erected over the front doors of the lower house of parliament, where Felipe will pass through.

Local residents welcome the change in sovereign.

Carlos Tesorero told ”There’s a festive atmosphere. It’s a party for this new king.

”All the Spanish people have faith in him. He is very capable and I think he will be a good king.”