
Ronnie Wood selling nude wife portrait

Ronnie Wood is selling a nude portrait of his wife Sally Humphreys for £200,000.

Ronnie Wood is selling a nude painting of his wife for £200,000.

The Rolling Stones rocker currently has the portrait of Sally Humphreys on display at the Castle Fine Art gallery in London’s Mayfair, where he is artist-in-residence, but art lovers can take the picture home if they can afford the staggering price tag.

The picture, which is simply titled ‘Sally’, features a likeness of the brunette theater director, 36, on her knees lifting her arms above her head.

The 66-year-old rocker – who married Sally in December 2012 – has previously spoken of how he feels ”possessed” when creative inspiration strikes.

He said: ”When I get inspired, I get almost possessed and I just have to paint. There is no kind of therapy like the one you have from starting and seeing a picture through to the end.”

And though it is unclear when the ‘Paint it Black’ star painted Sally’s portrait, it may not have been recently as he is currently on tour and has previously said he doesn’t work much on his art when he is focused on his music.

He has said: ”I get the musical mode when I’m on tour – I might do a few sketches – but I’m mainly concentrating on the music. Then when the tour’s over I can relax and I then find myself getting the brush out. Music and art is very relaxing to me.”