
Dean McDermott ‘wasn’t attracted’ to one-night stand

Dean McDermott has told wife Tori Spelling he wasn’t attracted to Emily Goodhand, the woman he cheated on her with last December.

Dean McDermott ”wasn’t attracted” to the woman he had a one-night stand with.

The reality TV star left wife Tori Spelling devastated when he admitted to having sex with Emily Goodhand while on a trip to Toronto last December, and he has now admitted he only slept with her because she ”was there”.

Speaking during a couple’s therapy session on their reality show ‘True Tori’, he said: ”Emily was there. … I wasn’t attracted to her. It was just like a warm body. I felt like I was on autopilot…

”It was an escape, just like drugs and alcohol.”

Dean went on to complain about the lack of sex he has with Tori now they have four children, Liam, seven, Stella, five, Hattie, two, and Finn, 20 months.

He said: ”We have four kids. In the sex department there are ebbs and flows. … Do I always want more with you? Absolutely. Every day all day. I’m insatiable.

”Do I want more? Yeah. She has complications from the last pregnancy. Our sex life wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t stellar.”

Tori – who pointed out they had sex the weekend before he slept with Emily – admitted she felt their intimate life was ”never enough” for her husband, and was constantly paranoid he would cheat on her as a result.

She said: ”It was never enough for you! I wore that guilt all the time thinking he’s going to cheat on me. I can never give you enough sex.”

Dean insisted he wasn’t demanding and they even ”pushed it to a month of going without sex sometimes”.

The actress broke down in tears and said: ”I thought you were really happy with me. … This really makes me feel bad about myself.”

Later in the session, her husband also aired his own insecurities.

He admitted: ”I hear once in a while, ‘You look handsome.’ Every day I tell you I love you and how beautiful you look. I don’t feel like you think I’m the cat’s ass.

”I feel like a fatass, small d**k…piece of s**t.”

The couple’s therapist later urged the pair to write letters to one another about their feelings, but in another therapy session, Tori rejects her husband’s apology, arguing he feels no remorse.

Her spouse insisted he does, and began shaking as he branded himself and his actions ”disgusting”.