
Harry Styles offers loan

Harry Styles offered to loan £5,000 to a singer he barely knows, not realising he was the victim of a prank.

Harry Styles agreed to lend £5,000 to a singer he barely knew.

The One Direction singer – who is worth an estimated £15 million – was the victim of a radio prank by his friend Nick Grimshaw and The 1975 star Matt Healy, who he has met just a few times in the past.

As part of the Call or Delete game on Nick’s BBC Radio One show, Matt reluctantly first tried to call Harry’s bandmate Niall Horan, but when he didn’t get through he rang the curly-haired hunk instead.

After Harry answered and asked if Matt was OK, he replied: ”Sorry I’ve never rung you before now, I was just wondering, this is going to sound ridiculous, I need £5,000 and I’m in Chalk Farm, I know it sounds ridiculous but it is a serious situation, I’m in a phone booth and a bloke is pointing to a picture of Mark Owen, it’s actually quite threatening.

”Do you reckon you could get Niall to give me a ring and see if he can come sort me some cash?”

Despite the bizarre story, the ‘Little Things’ singer was quick to reassure Matt, saying: ”OK, well we’re in Bristol. But let me go and I’ll get my assistant to call you and she’ll sort it out.”

After hanging up the call, the ‘Chocolate’ singer admitted he was worried about what Harry would think of him.

He said: ”He must think that I am so mental, I have never spoken to him in my life, I think I had a panic attack.”