
Noah starring Russell Crowe shows human ‘wickedness and goodness’

‘Noah’ producer Ari Handel says the film reflects the ”balance of wickedness and goodness” every human has and explores unanswered questions.

‘Noah’ reflects the ”balance of wickedness and goodness” every human has, says the film’s producer.

The biblical-based epic, which stars Russell Crowe as the titular character, mirrors the realism of human nature, according to Ari Handel who produced and co-wrote the film with director Darren Aronofsky.

She told the ”The story is a movement from justice to mercy, the balance of wickedness and goodness. Every character in the film has goodness and wickedness in them because every human being has wickedness and goodness in them.”

The ”heart” of the film battles with why Noah – who saves himself and his family when the world is flooded – is ”spared”, and asks questions which people have contemplated for years.

She added: ”At the heart of it is the big question – why is Noah spared? Why do we have wickedness punished at the beginning of the story and almost the very same words are used to say that wickedness will not be punished in the future? What does that change and how to understand it?

”People have been grappling with these questions for a long time so we wanted to look and find those answers.”