
Shakira’s soccer player son

Shakira’s 18-month-old son Milan loves playing soccer with his father Gerard Pique.

Shakira’s son is obsessed with soccer.

The ‘She Wolf’ singer’s 18-month-old son Milan already shows some interest in music but she admits he is much more keen on joining his soccer star father Gerard Pique in playing sport.

When asked if Milan will pursue a career in music, Shakira revealed the tot is more likely to become a sportsman, as she explained: ”Well it’s too early to tell, he loves drumming, but he’s after the soccer ball all day long. That’s what he likes, kicking the ball. I’m terrible [at soccer].”

Meanwhile, Shakira insists she isn’t sure whether she is a good singer, because she only decided to pursue a career in music after her mother entered her into a competition when she was just 10 years old even though she wasn’t so keen on the idea.

Speaking to host Jimmy Fallon on the ‘Tonight Show’, she recalled: ”I don’t know if I’m good or not, I started out singing in contests when I was 10 years old. My mum saw it in the local newspaper and she said ‘There is this children’s singing contest, do you want to participate?’ and I said ‘Let me think about it, I will answer you tomorrow.’ And that’s how I made my first executive decision.”