
Chris Evans’ ‘bumps and bruises’ on set

Chris Evans went home with ”bumps and bruises” which have ”lasting effects” after filming ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’.

Chris Evans went home with ”bumps and bruises” after filming ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’.

The 32-year-old actor plays the titular superhero – also known as Steve Rogers – in the Marvel film and insists the injuries obtained on set have ”lasting effects” as the stars age.

Talking at the film’s press conference at London’s Dorchester Hotel yesterday (21.03.14), Evans explained: ”There are always injuries. Whether you end up in a cast or not doing stunt work, it’s physical stuff. Even when you block a punch, that punch lands somewhere. So you’re always going home with bumps and bruises and we are all getting older so it has lasting effects.”

The hunk found scenes with Frank Grillo – who stars as military operative Brock Rumlow – particularly injurious, and reckons Anthony Mackie – who plays the Falcon – must have experienced this since they have a number of scenes together.

Asked about memorable moments regarding injuries, he replied: ”Any fight with fight with Frank Grillo [Brock Rumlow]. You got to know how to pull his punches. Mac [Anthony Mackie] you must know this.”

Mackie chimed: ”Nah, we were hitting each other for real.”

Evans added: ”You hit for real. You don’t block Frank Grillo’s punch you’re gonna get macked. He’s a boxer, he doesn’t know anything but 100 per cent. ”

Mackie joked: ”No, that’s because he’s a mean person.”

Scarlett Johansson – who reprises her role as Black Widow who she first portrayed in 2010’s ‘Iron Man 2’ – agrees, claiming injuries are ”part of the process”.

Johansson quipped: ”Frank Grillo beat the s**t out of me. I’m forever wounded from these movies. I mean I had all injuries from ‘Iron Man 2’ days and I just keep re-injuring them … that’s part of the joy. No, it’s part of the process.”