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Dame Vivienne Westwood doesn’t shower

Dame Vivienne Westwood admits she rarely takes a shower and prefers to wash in her husband’s dirty bath water because she wants to make sure she’s doing right by the environment.

Dame Vivienne Westwood admits she rarely takes a shower.

The 72-year-old designer has revealed she doesn’t wash every day and prefers to share dirty bath water with her husband because she’s so dedicated to making the environment a greener place.

She said during a new campaign video for animal rights group PETA: ”Normally at home I’m not used to the habit of a shower. I just wash my bits and rush out in the morning and more often than not get in the bath after Andreas. I’m sorry but whatever you do is helpful. We have to start somewhere.”

Dame Vivienne, who is also a dedicated vegetarian, has teamed up with PETA, which promotes ethical treatment of animals, to raise awareness of how the world’s water supplies are depleted by the meat trade.

She explained: ”This is about how precious water is, it’s more important than the gas that the people want to dig up and we’re prepared to poison our water for that for example. Eating meat is one of the most environmentally damaging things it’s possible to do.

”I’m a person who’s got enough money to make choices and this is my choice. We don’t need to eat animals, there’s too many of us anyway and eating animals is destroying the world. I believe that we are an endangered species and we need to think about what we’re doing. We’re probably killing our-selves through eating meat.”