
Angelina Jolie struggled with horns

Angelina Jolie kept forgetting about the prosthetic horns she wore shooting ‘Maleficent’ and almost suffered an injury several times as a result.

Angelina Jolie almost ”knocked herself out” several times filming ‘Maleficent’.

The 38-year-old actress had numerous sets of prosthetic horns which she wore to play the titular villain in the reimagining of the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ story and admits she often struggled to remember how they changed her build.

She said: ”It was pretty funny, because I kept on hitting my horns on things.

”The framing was very strange…They were actually kind of heavy. There had to be [lighter weight] ones that you could ride horses in because if you fall with something [heavy] attached to your head, that’s it — it could break your neck.

”I did almost knock myself out quite a few time.

”It’s not just that you’re a foot taller on top, you’re also in five-inch heels so you are really big. I was out of whack for a bit. Definitely, it took me a while to become graceful with her.”

Angelina – who raises six children with fiance Brad Pitt – was able to easily remove some of the horns, but felt her appearance without them was uncool as she looked more like ”a little bear”.

She added in an interview with Entertainment Weekly magazine: ”The harder ones were magnetic so I could actually clip them off and walk around, but then I looked like a little bear. It did not look half as cool.”