
Leonardo DiCaprio will marry when it’s right

Leonardo DiCaprio hasn’t ruled out getting married and will walk down the aisle when it feels natural and right.

Leonardo DiCaprio hasn’t ruled out getting married.

The 39-year-old actor, who is currently dating 21-year-old German model Toni Garrn and has previously romanced a string of well-known beauties, including Gisele Bundchen and Bar Refaeli, will consider tying the knot when it feels ”right.”

Asked if a wedding is something he envisages for himself, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ star told Gayle King on CBS’ ‘This Morning’ on Thursday (02.20.14): ”The truth is, it’s gonna happen when it’s gonna happen. I’m just gonna let it happen naturally. I really am. That’s the only way to do it, I feel. And when it’s right, it’s gonna be right.”

Leonardo insisted he is very happy with Toni, with whom he was spotted holidaying in Courchevel, France earlier this week.

He said: ”I’m all right. I’m good for now.”

The Oscar-nominee is regularly spotted out partying in Hollywood but has never been tempted to experiment with drugs like many of his peers or the characters he has played.

He said: ”I think there’s always an interest and a desire. But I really grew up around that. I mean, it was on my street corner. Every time I would go to the corner marketplace there were addicts everywhere – in the alleyways, people shooting up, people offering me drugs at four or five years old. I saw it at a very, very early age. And I was just sort of horrified by how it affected people. And so, thankfully I’ve never dabbled in that area. And I have – I’ve had – no desire.”