
Man charged with trespassing Buckingham Palace

A man has been charged with trespassing after he was caught breaking into Buckingham Palace in September.

A man has been charged with trespassing after being caught allegedly wandering the grounds of Buckingham Palace.

Victor Miller, 37, was arrested by police last September when he was caught inside the London residence of Queen Elizabeth after allegedly climbing over a fence to get in just before midnight.

Miller, who is unemployed and comes from east London, has been bailed and is expected to appear before Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London, on March 4.

Officers also arrested a second man, 38, as he was caught just outside the grounds around the same time, but he was released on bail and no further action has been taken since.

Last month, David Belmar, 44, was jailed for 16 months after he tried to get into the royal estate, while carrying a knife, back in October.

At the hearing in January, he claimed he carried out the crime because he was feeling ”frustrated and desperate” over his incapacity benefit being cut.

Belmar – who had admitted trespass and possession of a knife at a previous hearing – suffered paranoid schizophrenia since 2002 but was on medication for the condition, and Judge Michael Gledhill QC said at the trial it had ”absolutely nothing to do” with the offences.