
Prince William blasted by students

Britain’s Prince William has come under fire from students after he was allowed to enroll on a course at Cambridge University, despite missing out on the required A*AA grades.

Britain’s Prince William has come under fire from Cambridge University students.

The 31-year-old royal has enrolled on a 10-week agriculture course at the highly-regarded education facility, which usually demands A*AA grades for entrance, but the second in line to the throne only achieved ABC, resulting in a barrage of criticism.

Cambridge graduate Melissa Berrill – who studied French and German – has hit out at the university for allowing William to study there, and admits she is ”ashamed” of the institution.

In a piece in the Guardian newspaper, she wrote: ”Admitting Prince William is an insult to every student, whatever their background, who got into Cambridge by getting the required A-level or degree results.

”It’s an insult to every student whose A-levels and degree are the same or better than his, and who didn’t get a free pass to Cambridge in spite of them. And it’s an insult to everyone in the country who needs skills or training, and hasn’t had a university course personally designed for them.”

Cardiff University student James Brinning also took to Twitter to disagree with the decision to allow William to study at the institution.

He tweeted: ”Prince William clearly only got into Cambridge because of his royal status. Really annoying as working class kids with better grades can’t.”

Cambridge University newspaper reporter Will Heilpern wrote: ”The Tab must point out that normally students need A*AA at A-level to gain entry to Cambridge University, whilst the Prince only achieved a mediocre ABC.”