
Brandon Flowers wants Mormon hymn played at funeral

Brandon Flowers wants a Mormon hymn played at his funeral because he believes in the afterlife.

Brandon Flowers wants a Mormon hymn played at his funeral.

The Killers singer – who is a follower of the Latter Day Saint movement Christian religious offshoot – would like ‘God Be With You Until we Meet Again’ performed at any service held after his passing.

He said: ”It’s a nice sentiment. Mormons believe in an afterlife and there’s just no doubt that we’ll see each other again. We sing it at funerals, sometimes at regular congregation meetings too, but it’s a nice one.”

Brandon admits he got a lot of his formative musical experiences from his brother, Shane, who was into alternative indie.

Speaking to NME magazine, he said: ”I first heard ‘Just Like Heaven’ by The Cure through my brother, who was very into alternative music. His bedroom was a shrine to bands. I would sneak in and look at his posters of The Smiths with dead actors on them and The Cure, Robert Smith with all his make-up on, and just take it all in. I remember him blaring ‘Just Like Heaven’ and me standing by the door, getting into that sweet melody.”