
Prince Andrew visits Cambridge business school

Britain’s Prince Andrew visited Cambridge University to discuss plans for encouraging entrepreneurs and to view a new lab yesterday (31.10.13).

Prince Andrew visited Cambridge University to discuss plans for encouraging entrepreneurs yesterday (31.10.13).

The British royal attended the Cambridge Judge Business School’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, which he has asked to conduct research into the ”triggers and motivations that create entrepreneurs.”

The group’s findings will be used to support the Duke’s work with E20, a group he has set up to nurture British entrepreneurship.

The Duke of York and the centre are both looking to nurture enterprises known as the ”vital 6 per cent” – rapidly expanding businesses that are said to generate more than half of all new jobs in the UK.

Professor Stelios Kavadias, The Judge School’s Director of Research, said: ”We are looking forward to working on the new research that The Duke has asked for.

”Entrepreneurship is vital to the health of our economy so it is important to work across boundaries to support the entrepreneurial spirit wherever we find it – and to work out what really makes the entrepreneur tick so we can create the optimum conditions for them to thrive.”

Also while at Cambridge, the prince visited the university’s Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, to view a new building.

Head of department, Professor Mark Blamire, told the Cambridge News newspaper: ”We were delighted to be able to showcase our new department to the Duke of York.

”Materials science underpins most of the priority opportunities for growing industries in the UK and we demonstrated the vital role our basic research plays in developing technology in areas ranging from medical materials to light emitting diode technology to carbon nano tubes”.