
Conrad Murray is suing Texas

Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years in prison in November 2011 as he administered the lethal dose of Propofol that led to Michael Jackson’s death in 2009 – is taking the State of Texas to court in a desperate bid to win back his medical license so he can pay off his debts.

The doctor convicted of unintentionally killing Michael Jackson is suing Texas.

Conrad Murray, who was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years in prison in November 2011 as he administered the lethal dose of Propofol that led to the King of Pop’s death in 2009 – is taking the State to court in a desperate bid to win back his medical license so he can pay off his debts.

The disgraced physician, who was released from jail two years early on Monday (10.28.13) due to overcrowding and his good behavior, claims he is more than $400,000 in debt and can’t afford to pay court costs, according to legal documents obtained by gossip website

His latest civil petition against Texas comes just days after he applied to have his medical license reinstated in California.

He filed documents on Friday (10.25.13), asking a judge to stop the state medical board’s revocation of his medical license pending the outcome of his criminal appeal.

Texas was the first state to revoke his license, citing his felony conviction as the reason.

His attorney previously said: ”Dr. Murray has an unquenchable desire to help people, and no matter where it is, he will return to his given profession of healing.”