
Kim Kardashian: losing baby weight was hard

Kim Kardashian says losing the 50lbs she gained in pregnancy was the ”greatest challenge” of her life.

Kim Kardashian says losing her baby weight was the ”greatest challenge” of her life.

The reality star has lost the 50lbs she gained during her pregnancy with baby North – her first child, born in June – but admits it was a particularly difficult task.

She told talk show host Jay Leno: ”I can honestly say it was the greatest challenge of my life.”

Kim explained how her larger figure during pregnancy was caused by preeclampsia, a serious condition which raises blood pressure, and also the reason North was delivered over a month early.

She added: ”That was a cause for a lot of the swelling and at the time I didn’t know what was going on. I got on the scale today and it said that I am 50lbs down. That made me so excited.”

Kim, 33, wasn’t pictured in public for months after the birth as she embarked on an exercise regime and strict high-protein Atkins diet to lose her weight, but denies she and North’s father, Kanye West, were in hiding.

She said: ”I just wanted to have time with her and be with her. This was the one time in life that I could just take off and spend time as a family with me, and him and the baby. So we both took a maternity leave.

The ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ star also talked about how well behaved her daughter is, adding: ”She never cries. She’s a perfect little angel. I hope she grows up to be smart and opinionated like her dad.”

The new mother also talked about her and Kanye’s wedding plans, saying they may wed in ”someplace Parisian” and suggesting next summer as a likely time.