
Prince Harry’s charity director steps down

Prince George’s godfather, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, has resigned from Prince Harry’s charity as part of giving up his role as the prince’s private secretary.

Prince George’s godfather has resigned from Prince Harry’s charity.

Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton – one of seven godparents picked for the young British prince – has stood down from the post of Director on the board of the Sentebale charity as part of giving up his role as Private Secretary to Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

A spokesperson told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: ”Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton’s position as a trustee of Sentebale was ex-officio as private secretary to Prince Harry.

”Ed Lane Fox is now Private Secretary and the position of trustee will be held open for him.”

Prince Harry set up the charity with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho seven years ago to help African orphans.

He made a trip to Lesotho earlier this year where he visited a centre for the deaf near the capital, Maseru, as well as a school for visually impaired children.

He has also been campaigning to raise $4m to build the Mamohato Centre, which will provide psychological care and offer mentoring to children with HIV and Aids.

Lesotho has one of the world’s highest rates of HIV and Aids and there is also widespread poverty and unemployment. More than half the country depends on food assistance to survive.