
Conrad Murray’s burger buffet after jail

Conrad Murray enjoyed two meaty burgers for his first post-prison meal after being released from jail early on Monday morning (10.28.13).

Conrad Murray enjoyed a burger meal after being released from prison this morning (10.28.13).

The disgraced doctor – who was found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of singer Michael Jackson in 2011 – was freed from the Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles today after serving less than two years of his sentence, and upon his release he drove to the nearest fast food restaurant to gorge on a calorific treat.

The 60-year-old physician ordered two Double-Double burgers, consisting of two meat patties and two slices of cheese per burger, at an In-N-Out restaurant chain for his first meal outside of jail, according to TMZ.

Conrad was clearly craving a juicy meat treat after two years of enduring prison meals at the Los Angeles penitentiary from which he was released for good behavior.

Following his exit, the physician’s lawyer, Valerie Wass, told reporters outside the prison that her client was anxious to ”hug his family” and he was planning to get his medical licences reinstated in California, Texas and Nevada so he can resume his medical career.

She said: ”He wants to take some time and see his family.

”Believe me; after you’ve been locked up in this place for two years, it’s a shock emotionally and physically.”