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Lucy Hale proud to boost girls’ body confidence

Actress Lucy Hale is glad she has helped girls suffering from eating disorders by opening up about her body confidence issues.

Lucy Hale wants to help girls with body confidence issues.

The ‘Pretty Little Liars’ actress is pleased her recent admission about suffering from low self-esteem and an eating disorder in her teens has encouraged her fans to speak up about their own problems.

The 24-year-old star told E! News: ”If I can help one person, that’s awesome, you know? I’m just a normal girl, and everyone has issues. I’m just happy if it helps somebody.”

Nowadays, Lucy likes to work up a sweat with hot yoga, which is performed in a steamy room to allow toxins to exit the body faster, even though she finds it difficult to put up with the heat.

She said: ”I like to run and I work out with a great trainer sometimes. I recently got into hot yoga … which was, up until a few months ago, like, forbidden! I hate the heat, but having to stand still and relax has been really good for me.”

The petite star doesn’t like to deprive herself of her favourite snacks and makes up for her workouts by tucking into a big meal.

Lucy quipped: ”I enjoy exercise, I’m lucky in that sense… but I love food just as much as I love working out! It’s kind of a good balance.”