
Steven Tyler gets one year’s free Mexican meals

Steven Tyler is getting a year’s worth of Mexican food for free from Mexican grill restaurant chain Chipotle.

Steven Tyler is getting free Mexican food for a year.

The 65-year-old rocker has been given a personalized card from Mexican grill house chain Chipotle, which serves delicious burritos and tacos, and it allows him to get one free taco a day for the 12 months.

In a video posted on website TMZ, the Aerosmith singer – who was at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) – said: ”I just got a Chipotle card for one free taco for the next 360 days.”

Quizzed on what he throws on his burrito, he revealed: ”Chicken.”

Tyler recently opened up about the drug problems he has experienced throughout his life, claiming they are many irresponsible doctors who are too ready to give out powerful prescription drugs to patients.

He previously said: ”Y’know who the new dealers are? They’re doctors. The dealers aren’t on the street. It’s not a shady guy on the street. Y’know how many doctors I’ve gone to and said, ‘I’m in a 12-step program, I’ve been sober for … ‘ He goes, ‘Ah, good for you!’ On the way out he says, ‘You need something to sleep tonight?’

”I’m trying to tell him that I can’t take anything that’s mood altering, because if I do, I like to ride it.”

He infamously battled an addiction to heroin, which landed him in rehab in 1986 before another stint in 2009 to treat an addiction to painkillers.