
Elton John’s new album not like 70s records

Sir Elton John’s new album isn’t like his 70s material, despite recreating the team behind his classic ‘Tumbleweed Connection’ by working with Bernie Taupin and T Bone Burnett.;

Sir Elton John’s new album isn’t like his 70s work, despite recreating the team behind his classic ‘Tumbleweed Connection’.

The 66-year-old singer worked with long-time collaborative lyricist Bernie Taupin on his 31st studio album ‘The Diving Board’, and although the pair reconnected with producer T Bone Burnett – who worked on 1970’s ‘Tumbleweed Connection’, which included tracks ‘My Father’s Gun’ and ‘Love Song’ – the results are much different.

Bernie said: ”T Bone discussed with Elton the possibility of going back to basics, going back to the trio situation that we started out with when we started doing live gigs in the early 70s.

”It’s interesting, and I digress slightly here, that a lot of people are referring to this record by saying it’s going back to the style of ‘Tumbleweed Connection’ and the earlier albums. In essence, it’s really not.”

Bernie is thrilled with what the trio have created and is hoping the album will be a big success, after receiving much positive feedback following its release earlier this month.

He told ”I just got bombarded by stuff from the public relations office, and thank God it’s all been positive. I’m very relieved and happy about the whole thing.

”With this one, I’m very confident with the product itself. I’m very, very proud of it.”