
Zac Efron ‘overdosed’ on oxycodone

Zac Efron allegedly binged on prescription drug oxycodone in addition to a cocktail of other drugs during a wild night of partying at a New York hotel room.

Zac Efron collapsed after overdosing on prescription drug oxycodone in January, it has been reported.

The former ‘High School Musical’ star allegedly binged on the powerful painkiller in addition to a cocktail of other drugs and alcohol during a wild night of partying in his hotel room and had to be resuscitated by guests at the party.

National Enquirer magazine obtained a photograph of Zac passed out in his suite at the Thompson Hotel in New York City on January 3

An eyewitness – who passed a lie detector test – told the publication: ”My worst fear was that he had died from an overdose. He went through a lot of pills even though it was clear he was entering a danger zone.”

As well as alcohol and oxycodone – known as ”hillbilly heroin” – Zac is alleged to have consumed Adderall and marijuana.

The 25-year-old actor was so desperate to get his hands on some oxycodone tablets he asked his party guests to score some pills on the streets. The pills street value is $30 each and he asked for 40 individual tablets.

The source added: ”If he didn’t have such a need for the oxy, I don’t think he would have let us come into the room, he was like a junkie. He wanted the drugs so bad, and this was the only way he could get them.”

Zac appears to be serious about getting himself clean and completed a stint in a rehab centre approximately five months ago, but the insider warns a relapse could be serious for him.

The source said: ”I was scared for him. If he doesn’t clean himself up, he’ll be Hollywood’s next big drug tragedy.”