
Shane Warne determined to fix Liz Hurley romance

Shane Warne is said to be desperate to save his relationship with Liz Hurley after admitting they are going through a difficult time at the moment.

Shane Warne is reportedly determined to fix his relationship with Liz Hurley.

The former cricket star has flown out to clear the air with his fiance of two years amid rumours their romance is on the rocks – and it is said he will have to be as ”charming” as possible to make his point.

An insider told the Daily Mirror newspaper: ”Shane still desperately loves Elizabeth and wants to make a go of things. The long distance wasn’t helping so he decided to book plane tickets, and make the effort to see her.

”Their work schedules of late haven’t been compatible so he is looking forward to spending some proper time with her. At the moment Liz is pretty fed up though.

”She was infatuated with Shane but after their latest row, feels she has had enough and, quite frankly, has grown a bit bored with him and some of the things that come out of his mouth. Shane will have to be at his most charming if he’s to win her round.”

It is said if the couple split, they will be ”gutted” about their £6 million mansion in Herefordshire, England which they bought together last year.

The source added: ”If they do separate for good, they will be especially gutted about the house, which was their pride and joy.

”As well as opening up a Shane Ward Academy for talented young Aussie and Brit bowlers, Shane and Liz had planned to create a cricket ground and facilities for an annual celebrity charity fundraiser.

”They want to get all this tied up and, at the very least, remain friends so that this can still become a regular fixture.”

Shane recently insisted the couple haven’t given up on their relationship, but admitted they had some ”issues” to figure out.

He previously wrote on Twitter: ”Some of the reports re EH & me r absolute rubbish. Yes we’re sorting through some (private) issues. But we’re not throwing the towel in yet (sic)”