
Chord Overstreet is ‘Glee”s prankster

Chord Overstreet tries to surprise his co-stars with childish pranks but the results are often lacklustre.

Chord Overstreet is the biggest prankster on the ‘Glee’ set.

The actor – who plays hunky Sam Evans on the musical show – is constantly trying to surprise his co-stars with childish pranks but the results are often lacklustre, according to fellow star Darren Criss (Blaine Anderson).

Darren told Bliss magazine: ”Gotta be wary of Chord. He plays lots of pranks, but oddly enough I can’t remember any of them. Probably because they weren’t that successful or funny!”

The actor is comfortable with playing an openly gay character on the show, despite being straight in real life, although he still isn’t used to wearing guy-liner on set.

Darren mused: ”Something like eyeliner, you can’t really see or feel, so most of the time you forget about it and just act like yourself. The problem is, you are actually wearing eyeliner as if you do know it, but you don’t. And then people say, ‘Hey, what’s with the eyeliner?’ Then you feel silly.”

The actor-and-singer also discussed his dating style, confessing he is plagued by nerves about calling a girl after a first date.

He said: ”Text messages have saved and cursed the entire world with the wait-a-few days rule. They service the courtesy of immediacy, yet prolong the appeal of mystery. So I text. Just like everyone else.”