
Princess Anne opens new whisky bottling site

Britain’s Princess Anne officially opened the Chivas Brothers’ new bottling facility in Paisley, Scotland, yesterday (09.18.13).

Britain’s Princess Anne has officially opened the Chivas Brothers’ new bottling facility.

The princess attended the unveiling of the new Prestige Hall bottling site in Paisley, Scotland, yesterday (09.18.13) which will allow the packaging of deluxe and limited edition whiskies and gins to be hand finished.

Queen Elizabeth’s daughter was shown various high-speed bottling lines as well as areas where the luxury brands are carefully place in hand-crafted containers before meeting and greeting employees of the company.

Speaking at the event, Laurent Lacassagne, chairman and CEO of Chivas Brothers, said: ”We are very proud of our state-of-the-art bottling facilities here in Paisley, and the teams that run them, so it was a pleasure to be able to present these to such as prestigious guest.

”The Prestige Hall is a prime example of how we have evolved our business to ensure it is clearly aligned for the future.

”The long-term prospects for premium Scotch whisky and gin remain very good and this investment will continue to help us appeal to discerning consumers all over the world with the very highest quality products.”