
Britney Spears’ dad must be conservator for Vegas residency

Britney Spears is contractually obliged to remain under the conservatorship of her father Jamie Spears’ throughout her entire two-year Las Vegas residency.

Britney Spears is contractually obliged remain under the conservatorship of her father during her Las Vegas residency.

The 31-year-old pop star has signed a two-year deal for a concert residency at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in the US gambling capital, and part of the legal agreement with Caesars Entertainment – the parent company of Planet Hollywood – is that her dad Jamie Spears and several lawyers keep control of her finances and other aspects of her life.

A source told ”The contract clearly states if Britney’s conservatorship ends, Caesars Entertainment has the right to cancel the deal.

”Britney will have a medical team in Las Vegas and if needed, her psychiatrist, who based in Los Angeles, will be made available to her should she need.”

The blonde beauty’s father was initially granted a conservatorship order – which is a legal agreement where a parent or guardian looks after the financial affairs of their child – in 2008 after she was hospitalised due suspected substance abuse and put on 5150 involuntary psychiatric hold.

Recently, Britney’s attorneys requested the court continue to grant Jamie monthly payments of $16,000 and he is also asking the court to have his daughter’s estate cover the cost of his rented office which costs around $1,200 a month.