
Professor Green: Calvin Harris is predictable

Professor Green says Calvin Harris doesn’t push any boundaries with his music and has vowed to be more "exciting" than his fellow Brit.

Professor Green thinks his music is more exciting than Calvin Harris’ songs.

The rapper has promised his new album ‘Growing Up in Public’ will push more boundaries and be more experimental than the DJ’s global chart-topping hits.

He told RWD magazine: "I don’t want to be the guy who has to tick boxes. What is exciting about the next Calvin Harris single? He is wicked but it’s the same format.

"There’s so many songs that sound like it, it’s not really pushing any boundaries. It doesn’t feel like it’s pushing anything."

Professor Green also admitted he has been taking lots of bubble baths in a bid to get inspiration for his third album which is set for release this autumn.

He said: "I always take it to the post. It’s not done. I’ve got loads to do, still got stuff to write. I don’t write much away from the studio but loads of stuff happens in my bath."

The 29-year-old musician is expected to wed former reality star Millie Mackintosh this summer and has even rescheduled his honeymoon to work on his record.

However, he insists the posh beauty has proved a source of inspiration for his music and is a dangerous drinking partner to have, despite her clean-cut image.

Pro Green said: "You get to a point in life where you want someone to share your hangovers with, don’t you?

"I’d love to say she comes on tour with me and keeps me out of trouble, but she gets me into it.

"She’s normally the instigator."