
Nile Rodgers ‘all clear’ of cancer

Nile Rodgers is thrilled after his latest check up showed he is "all clear" of cancer.

Nile Rodgers remains "all clear" of cancer following his latest check-up.

The Chic superstar – who received his diagnosis of aggressive prostate cancer in 2010 – was overjoyed after a visit to his doctor has revealed no trace of the disease,

He tweeted: "WOAH, I just got home from the Dr. He gave me video of him going down inside my body. It’s a little too weird to post but maybe some stills

"Test results CLEAN! >

"Instead of showing gross internal video I’ll show my doctor’s fly examination room. I’M ALL CLEAR AGAIN! (sic)."

However, Nile has previously admitted he is wary of calling himself "cancer-free".

He explained: "On October 29th 2010 I was ‘cancer-free’ but on October 30th I had extremely aggressive cancer. I saw that ‘cancer-free’ means a couple of things; either they haven’t found it and you have it or you might get it the next day."

The guitarist also credited his diagnosis and recovery with giving him a new lease of musical life.

He said: "It was the most horrible thing, next to Bernard’s [Edwards, his Chic partner] death … I have an awareness of the fact that my life can change in a split second."