
One Direction recruit hotel maid to sing

One Direction recruited a hotel maid to add an "’Urgghhhhh!’" noise to one of the new tracks they are recording for their third album.

One Direction recruited a hotel maid to add backing vocals to one of their new tracks.

The ‘Best Song Ever’ boy band needed a female voice for one of their new songs, so singer Harry Styles convinced a worker at one of the hotels they were staying at as part of their Take Me Home Tour to participate.

He told The Sun newspaper: "We needed a, you know, a groan on one of the songs. So I asked a lady at the hotel to record the ‘Urgghhhhh!’

"She was nervous at first but soon got into the swing of it."

The group – which also includes Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne – have been on the road since February and don’t have time to stop off at recording studios, sop have been laying down vocals in hotel rooms along the way.

Liam said: "We had a lot of fun doing it like that — just speakers, a mic…"

Louis added: "We stuck the mattresses against the walls for the acoustics."

However, recording in this way has its down side and has led to a few unwanted interruptions.

Harry added: "We’d be recording the best vocal ever — you’re thinking, ‘I’m really smashing this!’ — then there’d be a huge knock on the door and you’d get, ‘Room service!’ or ‘Housekeeping!’ We’d be, like, ‘Nooooo!’ and have to start again."