
Nile Rodgers is proud of Chic

Nile Rodgers is proud that his former band Chic’s music has an "evergreen quality" to it.

Nile Rodgers is proud Chic’s music has an "evergreen quality".

The 60-year-old guitarist finds it hard to believe the music his former band made during their heyday isn’t deemed old fashioned because he remembers sitting in the studio in the 1970s coming up with the tracks, and he is delighted the sounds are still popular with today’s youngsters.

He said: "I’m proud that it does have an evergreen quality to it. Obviously, it feels dated to me, because I remember making it."

The star – who was diagnosed with extremely aggressive prostate cancer in 2010, but is now cancer-free – admits he’s still living a busy life but claims there will always be a place for his global We Are Family Foundation.

Speaking to The Herald newspaper, he said: "It’s probably the most important thing in my life, maybe on par with the music. It’s amazing to me. I wake up sometimes and I think it’s the best thing I’ll ever do."

The disco legend and super-producer previously admitted that taking mind-altering substances in his past made working with superstars likes David Bowie and Diana Ross less intimidating.

He said previously: "Maybe I needed [the drugs] to give me the courage to go into a studio and tell Diana Ross who’s the boss. Who’s to say? But I’m more active now than I ever was with drugs.

"I’ve learned to embrace the fear a little bit. What’s the worst that can happen – do a bad show? You learn to live through them."