
Taylor Swift unhappy about Bieber/Gomez reunion

Taylor Swift thinks her friend Selena Gomez has made a bad choice by spending time with her former boyfriend Justin Bieber.

Taylor Swift is unhappy Selena Gomez is spending time with Justin Bieber again.

Selena, 20, and her on/off boyfriend recently spent the 4th of July holiday together but Taylor, 23, is worried her close friend is headed for heartbreak after getting close to Justin again.

A source told "Taylor absolutely hates the fact that Selena and Justin are hanging out again and looking like they are getting back together. She feels she is going to get hurt and run back to Taylor when things get bad again. She is ready to say, ‘I told you so.’ "

Taylor hoped to distract Selena from her romantic entanglement with Justin,19, by encouraging her to date up and coming singer Austin Mahone but it doesn’t appear to have worked.

The source added: "It was [Taylor’s] idea to push Austin [Mahone] and Selena together because she really likes Austin and thinks he would be a good distraction for Selena right now."

Along with Taylor, Selena’s other friends are said to be furious about the reconciliation.

A source previously said: "Selena’s friends have stuck by her through thick and thin, but the whole back-and-forth relationship with Bieber is really starting to wear on them.

"None of her friends really like Justin – or at least, they don’t like Selena with Justin. It’s just not a healthy relationship."